AttributeMagic Pro - Revision History

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+ new option, improvement or modification
! bug fix

3.1 beta 2 

! changing case and replacing of substring;
! application hangs when saving filters;

3.1 beta 1 

+ new file renaming features;
+ new case conversion features;
+ configuration data now stored in the file instead of registry;
+ interface improvements;
! command line option(s);
! High CPU usage on idle in some cases;

3.0 beta 14 

+ option to automatically select columns in the preview mode;
+ minor interface improvements;
+ CopyFrom action improved;
! /Use Same Action/ in the template editor;
! issues with file time on FAT and CDFS file systems;
! file time issues on FAT file system;

3.0 beta 13 

+ minor interface improvements;
! memory leak in the filtered list of files;
! date-time issues in file list sorting routine and file information panel;

3.0 beta 12 

+ Quick Modify panel added;
! access violation error when using preview window in some cases;
! unnecessary backup of PDF files;

3.0 beta11 

! minor bugs fixed in EXIF processor;
! modification of EXIF tags: Title, Comment, Author, Keywords, Subject;

3.0 beta 9 

+ inspector panel: autosize for /Property/ column;
! cancel button in the progress indication window is working;
! GPS info loss in some cases of rewriting EXIF data;

3.0 beta 8 

+ renamed EXIF date-time tag (132H) according to EXIF standard;
+ renamed EXIF /Original/ tag to /Original (Picture Taken)/;
! modification of EXIF Orientation tag using template;
! reading image files opened by other application;

3.0 beta 7 

+ added document file related properties (Category Presentation target) to template editor;
+ added document file related properties (Manager, Company) to template editor;
+ minor improvements in the template editor;
! EXIF Orientation property in the template editor;
! minor bugs;
! "Invalid command" error when running in command line mode;

3.0 beta 6 

+ added sequential date-time modification;
+ natural sorting for file names and other string properties;
! file list refreshing procedure;
! date-time inc/dec procedure in the template editor (unchecked boxed still affected modification);
! /copy from/ action for properties of string type;
! cancel button in the preview result panel may be disabled in some cases;
! sorting for new properties in the preview result window;
! incorrect folder size calculation;

3.0 beta 5 

+ minor improvements in the filters window;
! error in modifying pdf file date/time;
button in the filters list window;

3.0 beta 4 

+ "offline" file attribute added. View and change of attribute is possible;
! in rare cases created, modification and accessed date-time are shifted by one second after modification;
! crash when displaying invalid exposure time;
! creation of new tag in the EXIF data;
! minor internal changes in the EXIF;
! rewriting JPEG with XMP EXIF;

3.0 beta 3 

! "enable backup" setting not retained;
! modification of EXIF file fails when backup is off;
! sorting file items in the preview result window fixed;

3.0 beta2 

! erroneous limitation of 2 filters in the registered product;
! rewriting EXIF Interoperability table data;

3.0 beta1 

+ new Preview result window;
+ added menu option to invoke windows file/folder properties dialog;
+ command line mode added;
+ "Set new value" action improved. Added more options to the "current date/time" button;
+ "AM to PM" action added to the template;
+ "PM to AM" action added to the template;
+ "Apply Mask" and "Increment/Decrement" actions improved;
+ "Extract from" action improved. Now its possible to set the custom extraction format;
+ more date-time copying options added;
+ comment field is added to the template editor. users can annotate templates.;
+ sorting tab added to the template editor;
+ added default EXIF properties tab in the Options window;
+ HTML help file;
! setting date-time on MsWord file;
! problem with mixed EXIF date-time stamps;
! increment and decrement date/time action joined into the one action;
! "Set equal to" action renamed to 'Copy from';
! Simplified file explorer to ease navigation;
! "Show folders" function;
! Win95, Win98, Win Me no longer supported;

2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2010  2011  2012